• Sat
  • 27
  • 01
  • 2024
  • 23:59
Tresor.West Klubnacht
Sat 27 January 2024 - 23:59

Sa 27.01.
Tresor.West Klubnacht

Unfortunately, due to personal reasons, Posa Poutana will not be able to perform. HTML 2020 will step in for her.

Parallx b2b In Furcht
Ruiz OSC1

DJ Gropius
HTML 2020

Start 23:59

Presale 15,00€ / Box Office 19,00€

Artwork by Stachu Szumski

T.W. Floor
  • Nendza
  • Parallx b2b In Furcht
  • Ruiz OSC1
UFO Floor
  • DJ Gropius
  • HTML 2020